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You can find your previous Health Reports in your own account. In the menu you can click on ‘Rapport’ and then the date of which Health Report you want to view. You can still view an old Health Report when you are filling out a new one. If your previous Health Report is in another account, you can find it if you log in using the corresponding username and password.

At the bottom of your Health Report, you will find the button ‘Downloaden’, right next to the button ‘Aan de slag’. A summary of the Health Report will appear in your downloads as a PDF.


If this button does not work, try a different browser. Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are usually work. You could also try clearing your cache history and try again.


If you still can’t find the download button, please send an e-mail to


Any follow up steps you take based on your Health Report will not be covered by the Personal Health Check. It could be that we refer you to a specialist who is covered by your health insurer, municipality or employer. If that is the case, you should ask them for the terms and conditions for the follow up steps.

In your Health Report you can what the chances are of you getting a certain disease. You will get a personal advice for every health factor shown, based on your preference.


You can read the specific advice at the bottom of your Health Report by clicking on ‘Aan de slag’. You can read what our advice is for every component. You can decide if you want to follow up on the advice.

The Personal Health Check is based on the most recent scientific insights about sickness and factors which influence your health. &niped has their own scientific bureau that closely monitors international developments. &niped also does scientific research, usually together with academic research groups. &niped also has a national scientific advisory board. On this board are leading representatives of different areas and academic centres.


For more information, please visit the &niped website.

You probably haven’t completed a component of the check yet. You can see in your account if you still need to send your questionnaire or fill in your body measurements like blood pressure or height. Once you have filled in the questionnaire, entered all the measurements, and sent the tests to the laboratory, you should receive the Report within two weeks. If this is not the case, please send an e-mail to The Servicedesk will ask the laboratory how far they are with their analysis.

If you only took the online questionnaire, you will receive your results within 24 hours after completing the questionnaire and measurements.


If you selected extra modules, you can expect your Health Report within two weeks after your fingerprick and possible urinetest have been sent to the laboratory (assuming the questionnaire has been finished and the measurements have been added). You will receive an e-mail when your Health Report is finished.

A green square means you don’t need to take any action regarding that topic. An orange square means you should consider taking action to make sure you stay healthy. A red square means action needs to be taken. For extra information and any advice about the subject, you can click on the coloured square. There you can read why the square is coloured orange or red and what kind of action you can take.

Blood pressure

There is no ideal blood pressure, however health professionals usually use an upper limit. If the upper pressure us higher than 140 mmHg and/or the lower pressure higher is than 90mmHg, then you will have high blood pressure. The medical name is hypertension. Read more about blood pressure values.


Waist size and BMI

Standard sizes for waist size are different for men and women. The BMI values are the same for men and women, however. See below for more information for men and women.


BMI and waist size for men (18 years or older)

BMI Waist size Advice
BMI <18.5 Underweight <79 cm You are a bit skinny. Try to gain some weight.
BMI 18.5-25 Healthy weight 79-94cm Perfect! Try to stay in this category.
BMI 18.5-25 Healthy weight >94cm Your weight is fine, but make sure your waist size doesn’t grow too much
BMI 25-30 Overweight 94-102cm You have an elevated chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight, every kilo counts.
BMI 25-30 Overweight >102cm You have an elevated chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight, every kilo counts. Perhaps seek a dietician
BMI >30


>102cm You have a very high chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight. Perhaps seek a dietician


BMI and waist size for women (18 years or older)

BMI Waist size Advice
BMI <18.5 Underweight <68 cm You are a bit skinny. Try to gain some weight.
BMI 18.5-25 Healthy weight 68-80cm Perfect! Try to stay in this category.
BMI 18.5-25 Healthy weight >80cm Your weight is fine, but make sure your waist size doesn’t grow too much
BMI 25-30 Overweight 80-88cm You have an elevated chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight, every kilo counts.
BMI 25-30 Overweight >88cm You have an elevated chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight, every kilo counts. Perhaps seek a dietician
BMI >30


>88cm You have a very high chance of getting a cardiovascular disease. Try to lose some weight. Perhaps seek a dietician


Blood sugar

If you are unfamiliar with diabetes, a Hb1Ac-value of above 43.1 mmol/mol is too high. A value between 43.1 and 53 mmol/mol could be a sign of prediabetes (earlier stage of diabetes). If your HbA1c value is above 53, you have diabetes.


Total cholesterol

Normal values for cholesterol are between 1.5 and 6.5 mmol/L. A total value equal or more than 6.5 mmol/L is considered elevated.



A value equal to or higher than 3.0 mmol/L is considered elevated. However, as an upper limit on its own, it doesn’t give much information. The health risk is strongly determined by a combination of different risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, age, and obesity. If you have a higher chance of getting arteriosclerosis and/or previously suffered from cardiovascular diseases, you should aim for a value of 2.5mmol/l.



A normal value for triglycerides is under 3.0 mmol/L. A value higher than 3.0 is considered to be less healthy.



HDL-cholesterol is also called the good cholesterol because it can remove the bad cholesterol from the blood and deliver it to the intestines via the liver. A high HDL value is not considered bad. If the HDL value is equal to or less than 1.0 mmol/L for men and equal to or less than 1.2 mmol/L for women is considered low.


You can find all the values you filled in or measured in your online account. For example, if you want to find your average blood pressure, you can click on ‘Bloeddruk’. The button ‘cholesterol’ will show you your cholesterol values which were determined in the laboratory. You can find extra information about the values by clicking on the specific value.