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Any follow up steps you take based on your Health Report will not be covered by the Personal Health Check. It could be that we refer you to a specialist who is covered by your health insurer, municipality or employer. If that is the case, you should ask them for the terms and conditions for the follow up steps.

If you have received an invitation with a voucher code, you have to enter it during the registration to gain access to the modules free of charge. If you forget, the page for private participation will show. If you see this page and you have a voucher code, please send an email to The Servicedesk will change the settings of your account so you can restart your registration and fill in the code.

It is also possible that you selected a module that is not covered by your health insurer, employer or municipality. If this is the case, you will have to pay for the module or remove it from the chosen modules.

If you participate privately, it means you did not receive a Voucher code and your health insurer does not cover the Personal Health Check. You will have to pay for every module you add. The prices are as follows:


Module                                                                            Costs (including VAT)

Online Questionnaire                                                   €16.95

Fingerprick and cholesterol                                        €54.95

Urine test                                                                        €27.95

Blood-pressure-monitor                                              €69.95

Mental wellbeing                                                          €15.95

Workcapacity                                                                 €16.95

Hearing                                                                            €11.50

Sight                                                                                 €11.50

Vitamin D                                                                        €24.95

Sleep                                                                                €14.95

Skin                                                                                   €14.95


Note: in many cases, the Personal Health Check is covered by health insurers, municipalities and employers.

If you have started the Personal Health Check but changed employers/health insurers (one that offered the check), you can still complete your participation. This change will have no effect. However, we would advise you to use your personal email address for further communication. You can change your email address in your personal account.

You can participate in the Personal Health Check through the programme ‘de Gezonde Gemeente’. If your municipality takes part in that programme, you will receive an invitation in the mail.

If you receive an invitation from your employee, the check will be (partially) covered. In the invitation you will receive a Voucher code and it will be mentioned if need to pay to participate or not.

If your employer has not signed up yet, you can sign them up here.

For more information about which health insurers cover the Personal Heathcheck, you can click on the following link: Some of the health insurers will send you an invitation with a Voucher code whereas you will need to ask for one during the registration with other health insurers.

Note: even though your health insurer will (partially) cover the expenses for the Personal Health Check, you will still see it on your declaration overview. You do not need to pay any more at that point.