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You can send the material the way it is shown in the instruction leaflet. Make sure that everything is in the provided envelop. The address is already printed on the envelop and you don’t need to add any stamps. You can put the envelop in the letterbox.


However, if the temperature is higher than 25°C or lower than -10°C, you need to send it at the post office. You do not need to register the envelop as a parcel.

To change your appointment, go to ‘Lichamelijke testen’ in the menu and then click on ‘Afspraak’. Here you can cancel your appointment or change the appointment to one of the available time slots. If this is not possible you can always send an e-mail to


You will receive an email with the confirmation of your appointment. You will receive a reminder the day before your appointment as well. If you have not received a confirmation e-mail, you can make an appointment by clicking on ‘Lichamelijke testen’ and then ‘Afspraak’ in the menu.

You can only make an appointment for a checkpoint if your employer offers one.


If a checkpoint is offered, you can make an appointment by clicking on ‘Lichamelijke Testen’ in the menu. There you will find the tab ‘Afspraak’. After clicking on the tab, you can make an appointment in the available time slots.

Depending on the agreements with your employer/health insurer regarding the Personal Health Check, you might be eligible to receive a second checkbox. You can select the button ‘Vraag een nieuwe checkbox aan’ in the menu under ‘Lichamelijke testen’. Our Servicedesk will be in contact with you to see if you can receive a second checkbox.


If you are unsure, you have already received a second checkbox or you don’t want to receive a second checkbox, please send an e-mal to We will generate your Health report based on the online questionnaire and the physical tests.

Having an external third party (for example, general practitioner or a specialist) take your blood sample for you will not be covered by the Personal Health Check. Only the test in the checkbox will be covered. If you have recently had your blood values measured, we can still use them provided that they are less than three months old. We do not receive these values from another healthcare professional.

You can find more information about the finger prick in the menu by clicking on ‘Lichamelijke testen’ and then ‘Vingerprik’. Here you can find an instruction video explaining how to do the tests and how to send the materials. You can also watch the video at


Instructions for the urine test can be found in the instruction leaflet.

If your general practitioner has the values, we need to make the Health Report, you can ask your general practitioner to send you the values. You don’t need to do the physical tests as long as the tests were done within the last three months. Please send an email to so we can make sure you don’t receive a checkbox. You can still choose to receive the checkbox and take the tests at home. No further action is required besides taking the tests.

The laboratory analyses the urine sample for

  • Albumin
  • Creatinine

Every blood sample is examined for:

  • Total cholesteric
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • Hba1C

If you have selected the urine module, your blood will also be examined for

  • Kreatinine

If you have selected the Vitamin D module, your blood will also be examined for

  • Vitamin D