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You will receive your checkbox within five working days after completing the online questionnaire. If you have ordered a blood pressure monitor, you can follow your checkbox using the PostNL Track & Trace code you received. If you haven’t received your checkbox after five working days, please send an e-mail to The Servicedesk will investigate why you haven’t received your checkbox yet and make sure you receive it as soon as possible.

After receiving your checkbox, we advise you to check if your checkbox is complete according to the instruction leaflet. It could be that you are missing items, for example a urine test even though you did add the module. Check in your account which modules you should have received.


If you miss any items for the fingerprick, please send an e-mail to The Servicedesk will send the missing items to you as soon as possible.

To be able to receive your Health Report, we ask you to take the physical tests within 10 days after receiving your checkbox. If that is not possible, you can still complete the tests within three months. Provided that the material is stored in normal circumstances or in a cooled environment.

The contents of your checkbox will vary depending on the modules you have selected. Every checkbox will have at least:

  • A measuring tape to measure your waist size
  • An instruction leaflet for the tests and how to send the material
  • Material for the fingerprick and possible urinetest (see image)
    • Fingerprick: 2 prickers, orange pipet with a yellow bar
    • Urinetest (optional): urine tube with a yellow bar
  • Material to send the tests to the laboratory
  • If added: a blood pressure monitor.

Note: if you have added the Vitamin D module, you will receive two tubes and pipets to collect blood and send to the laboratory. These need to be sent at the same time.


You will receive a checkbox if you added the module ‘Fingerprick and cholesterol’ to your account. The checkbox will be readied and sent after you have completed the online questionnaire. You will automatically receive an e-mail when the checkbox has been sent. You can expect the checkbox within five workdays after completing the online questionnaire at the address you have entered.


On many letterboxes there is a brown sticker which says that medical mail needs to be handed in at a PostNL location. However, this only applies to urgent medical mail. This does not apply for your mail. You can put the green envelop in the letterbox.