Start your health check via General practice Schoorlemmer


As your general practice, we offer you the opportunity to participate for free in the Personal Health Check, which provides you with insights into your health. The great thing about this is that you can easily do it from your own home.

How does it work?

Personal account

Maak een persoonlijk account aan in de beveiligde omgeving en start met de online vragenlijst, waarbij u ook uw gewicht en bloeddruk invult (duur: ongeveer 40 minuten).

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Carry out the home tests

Daarna ontvangt u de unieke checkbox op uw huisadres, met daarin materiaal voor een vingerprik (meting van cholesterol- en bloedsuikerwaarden) en een buikomvanglint. U kunt deze test zelf uitvoeren wanneer het u uitkomt.

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Insight into your health

Heeft u alle stappen afgerond? Dan ontvangt u uw persoonlijke gezondheidsresultaten. Hiermee ziet u in één keer waar u al goed bezig bent en waar er ruimte is voor verbetering. Zelfstandig of met hulp van partijen in uw regio.

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Share your experience

Neem deel aan de online enquête die u na deelname ontvangt. Uw input is waardevol voor ons!

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Why participate?

Insight into your health and vitality

Quite a few diseases and ailments are caused by only ten factors. What are your personal risks? For example, 25% of the Dutch population between the ages of 30 and 70 has high total cholesterol. Once you know how healthy and vital you really are, you know what kinds of improvements you can make.


You can easily put together your own personal health check using the various online questionnaires and home tests of your choice.


A total of 64% of participants are motivated after completing the check to start working on their health. For example, 76% improve their diet and 59% start getting more exercise using the tips from the check!

Personal health environment

Get insight into your health and vitality and get handy and motivational tips to get started either on your own or with professional guidance. And all of this from your own personal online health environment.

Safe & reliable

Your privacy is our top priority. So, it goes without saying that the health check processes your data confidentially. Read more about your privacy


A healthier life is within easy reach for everyone. You can easily register through our website. We also have a mobile app. Don’t worry, we explain every step of the process.

The package offered to you for free from the pilot

When you participate in the Personal Health Check, you create a personal health environment on an online, secure platform. Only for you. From here you can start the online questionnaires, enter your measurements (height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure) and view your results. Here you will also find useful tips to get started. Independently or with professional parties that have been selected for you to work with. Everything without obligation and only if you want to.

Tell us more about your exercise, nutrition, smoking and alcohol behavior and relaxation. But also about your medical history and whether there are diseases or disorders in your family. It is an online questionnaire that will take you about 20 minutes. We mainly look at factors that influence your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental problems. So that you know what you can do yourself to improve this yourself. Note: You may not be able to list all your specific health problems in the questionnaire.

Everyone is sometimes busy, anxious or depressed. That in itself is nothing special. We only speak of a disorder if a psychological complaint interferes with daily life.

Disorders come in all shapes and sizes and often have a major impact on daily life. The three most common complaints are: not being able to sleep well, worrying and too much stress. This can have unpleasant consequences. When the complaints become a disorder, every day is a challenge. It is then difficult to lead a normal life, to maintain contacts, to go to school or to work.

The online questionnaire* looks at anxiety, depression and burnout. If it turns out that you experience more complaints than you should, you will be referred to parties or professional guidance that can help you further.

*The questionnaire has been scientifically validated.

You will measure your BMI & waist circumference because they give a good impression of your health. An excessive waist size and being overweight increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. These values therefore tell a lot about your risk of, for example, cardiovascular disease. 

You will measure your blood pressure & heart rate because they give a good impression of how your heart and blood vessels are operating. These values therefore say a lot about your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are common diseases. Every day 1000 people are admitted with problems such as a heart attack or brain hemorrhage. Fortunately, many problems can be prevented by adjusting your lifestyle. For example, by not smoking, exercising enough, and maintaining a healthy weight. With this module, a number of additional questions are asked in the online questionnaire and you receive the unique checkbox with a home test to do a finger prick by yourself, when it suits you. The blood is then tested for your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In your health report you will see the values and you will receive personal advice on how you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

More than 400,000 people preceded you

Ontwikkeld in samenwerking met:

Longfonds Hartstichting Diabetes Fonds GGD GHOR Nierstichting

Frequently Asked Questions

Via a secure, personal health account, all Dutch people from the age of 18 can establish, improve and monitor their personal health report based on current scientific knowledge. Anyone can create a personal health account via the website and use the unique code to access the Persoonlijke Gezondheidscheck with online questionnaires and additional tests. A code can be provided if your insurer/employer/municipality pays for the check. Otherwise, you can also participate for a fee. Depending on the participation, the additional tests are performed at home or at a checkpoint.

For anyone aged 18 and older who wants insight into their health and what they can do to live a healthier life if necessary. See next question for the exceptions.

If you have received an invitation with a voucher code, you have to enter it during the registration to gain access to the modules free of charge. If you forget, the page for private participation will show. If you see this page and you have a voucher code, please send an email to The Servicedesk will change the settings of your account so you can restart your registration and fill in the code.
It is also possible that you selected a module that is not covered by your health insurer, employer or municipality. If this is the case, you will have to pay for the module or remove it from the chosen modules.

Read more about which information &niped collects, how it stays protected and what your rights are in our privacy statement.

In our opinion, taking the Personal Health Check could still be useful. The Personal Health Check will take into consideration that you are being treated by a general practitioner. The fact that you are being treated for something, does not mean your entire body is being treated by the general practitioner. The Personal Health Check covers several common diseases which can be prevented if they discovered at an early stage. Participating in the Personal Health Check will give you more insight about your health.

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